The Socks on the other foot now!

When asked to reflect on Project #1-2 I think the initial word and thought of the project would be the process. The process is important to intermedia. Its what makes a happening more impactful and different than a theater performance. Being able to see the thoughts and ideas behind everything that is happening is what brings meaning to performance art. When faced with this project my first thought was what is an everyday mundane activity that we do that no one every really focuses on. Brushing teeth, Eating food, putting on clothes. Putting on clothes. We all put on clothes every day twice a day sometimes three. everyone does it differently and no one ever draws attention to the strange ways that people put them on and take them off. As I was thinking about this it reminded me of how my girlfriend makes fun of me for the strange way I fold my socks. Thus I started to think about how I put on and take off socks. I began to think about the process of how I do this every day and how sometimes how hard it is to put your socks on if your feet are still wet after you take a shower or how strangely difficult it is to take them off after it rains/if your feet are sweating. These ideas eventually formed into the performance "The Socks on the Other foot now!" The performance (recreated in the video above) consists of me putting on and taking off my socks in a repetitive way, sometimes not pulling them all the way up, other times putting them on the same foot. All with the intention to draw your attention to that of the everyday mundane activities that we all do, that require attention. The activities are actually truly beautiful if drawn in the right light. Personal feedback of mine on my performance. During the live performance, I felt that the curtain wasn't positioned optimally and didn't cover the ground. During the recreation, this was solved and I felt that it emphasized the focus on my feet more with minimal distractions. Overall I was placed outside of my comfort zone and I was pleased with how the performance came out. Looking forward to projecting 


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